Akshay Tritiya festival was celebrated in the orphanage through Madhukar Foundation

-Shivbandhan News

On the occasion of Akshay Tritiya, food was distributed to the children and staff of Vashi Orphanage by Madhukar Foundation… Read More

Great Initiative by Madhukar Foundation on the Occasion of Akshaya Great Initiative

-Maharastra Plus News

A special initiative of Madhukar Foundation Sevabhavi Sanstha on the occasion of Akshay III Madhukar Foundation Sevabhavi Sanstha in Navi Mumbai… Read More

Distribution of food donations in the orphanage

-Lokmat News

Navi Mumbai: On the occasion of Akshayya Tritiya, food was distributed to the children and staff of Vashi Orphanage on behalf of Madhukar Foundation, a charitable…Read More

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